Announcing Play-Well's 2025 Summer Camps!
Play-Well TEKnologies provides project-based programs designed to teach principles and methods of engineering to children, ages 5 - 14, using LEGO®. Our curriculum is designed by engineers, building on the math and science skills students learn during the school year. Utilizing over 20,000 pieces of LEGO® for each class, we engage our students in solving real-world engineering challenges that explore concepts in physics, architecture, and engineering. Our goal is to have our students foster a greater appreciation of how things work, and encourage the qualities of inquisitiveness, self-reliance, and self-confidence in children. We have been growing future engineers since 1997. To find a camp near you click on a county below:
- Arizona
- California
- Sacramento Area
- San Francisco Bay Area
- Southern California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Connecticut
- District of Columbia
- Washington, DC
- Georgia
- Maryland
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Boston
- Western Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Jersey
- New York
- New York
- North Carolina
- Central North Carolina
- Charlotte Metro Area
- Oregon
- Portland
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Rhode Island
- Virginia
- Northern Virginia
- Washington
If you'd like a camp in your area, please contact an area manager about setting one up.